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Gov. Gavin Newsom projects $54.3 billion budget shortfall
Governor Newsom announces $54 billion state budget shortfall
Gov. Newsom, Lawmakers Agree How To Close California Budget Deficit
Gov. Newsom introduces California's state budget for fiscal year 2021-22
As revenues plummet, Calif. budget cuts billions
Budget 'windfall' in California as economy weathers virus
RAW: Gov. Newsom Discusses Help Provided To Homeless During COVID-19 Pandemic, Plans For Enforcement
California Gov. Newsom proposes billions in budget cuts, slashing state workers' pay by 10 percent
Calif. To Begin Distributing Disaster Relief To Undocumented Immigrants
Suing Gov. Gavin Newsom to Re-Open California
Sunrise Podcast 05/12/20
Tip leads to raid of dispensary on Niles Street